Revenue Requirements


Revenue Requirements 101
Speakers: Blake Kruger and Paul Schulz
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Rate Setting Overview
Speakers: Blake Kruger and Paul Schulz
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


O&M Expense Analysis
Presented by Chris Ekrut
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Utility Taxation
Speaker: David Dittemore
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides
IRS Document


Depreciation Rate Analysis
Speaker: David Garrett
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Class Cost of Service and Rate Design


Utility Cost Allocation
Presented by Corey Singletary
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Rate of Return


10 Things Consumer Advocates Should Know About Rate of Return
Presented by Mark Ellis
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Rate of Return Workshop
Presented by Mark Ellis
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Return on Equity
Speaker: Steve Kihm
Recording of Webinar
Presentation Slides


Using Stock Option Prices to Calculate a Forward-Looking/Market-Based Cost of Equity for Water Utilities and other industries
Speakers: Aaron Rothschild and Edgar Bandera
Recording of Webinar


Other Topics of Interest


FERC Form 1 Overview
Speaker: Jason Stevenson
Recording of Webinar


Miscellaneous Expenses (FERC 930.2)
Speaker: Matt Kasper
Recording of Webinar


Risk Modeling for Energy Utility Investments
Speaker: Eric Borden
Recording of Webinar


Witness Preparation
Speaker: Dr. David Dismukes, Ph.D, Acadian Consulting
Recording of Webinar


Other Helpful Resources


Being an Expert Witness – Witness Preparation and Hearing Guide


Sample Discovery Questions

PSDR 1 – General Items

PSDR 2 – General Accounting

PSDR 4 – Regulatory Compliance