DOE/LBNL Grid Training





  • Achieving Large-Scale Resource Flexibility from Distributed Energy Resources
    Samir Succar- Senior Director, ICF
    Slides, June 11, 2024


  • What Should Grid Resilience Plans Include? Planning Requirements, Emerging Best Practices, and Template
    Josh Schellenberg- Berkeley Lab Affiliate, Principal and COO, H&S Insights
    Slides, June 11, 2024


  • Causes and Impacts of Grid Outages, Metrics for Measuring Resilience, and Valuing and Prioritizing Strategies
    Peter Larsen – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Meeting Recording & Slides, September 14, 2023


  • Potential Bill Impacts of Dynamic Electric Pricing on California Electric Customers
    Marius Stuebs and Dr. Sarah Smith – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Meeting Recording & Slides, September 13, 2023


  • Snapshot of EV-Specific Rate Design
    Peter Cappers – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
    Meeting Recording & Slides, September 7, 2023


  • Quantifying the Financial Impacts of Electric Vehicles on Utility Ratepayers and Shareholders
    Andy Satchwell – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
    Meeting Recording & Slides,
    September 6, 2023


  • Coordinating Distribution, Transmission and Resource Planning
    Paul De Martini, Alan Cooke, Fritz Kahrl
    Meeting Recording & Slides, June 29, 2022


  • Resource, Asset and Contingency Planning with Climate Variability
    Juliet Homer 
    Meeting Recording & Slides, June 27, 2022


  • Grid Modernization Plans: Review and Assessment of Proposed Investments
    Tim Woolf, Ben Havumaki
    Meeting Recording & Slides, June 14, 2022



  • Performance-Based Regulation (PBR): Multiyear Rate Plans and Performance-Based Incentives
    Mark Lowry, Tim Woolf
    Meeting Recording and Slides, June 14, 2022


  • Virtual Technical Training for NASUCA Members on Contemporary Electricity System Issues
    Planning for Retirement of Baseload ResourcesDr. David Hurlbut & Juliet Homer
    Meeting Recording & Slides, November 23, 2021


  • Virtual Technical Training for NASUCA Members on Contemporary Electricity System Issues
    Automated DER ResponseMichael Ingram, Dr. Xin Jin, Dr. Rui Yang
    Meeting Recording & Slides, November 19, 2021


  • Virtual Technical Training for NASUCA Members on Contemporary Electricity System Issues
    Integration of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) under FERC Order 2222- Dr. Lorenzo Kristov
    Meeting Recording & Slides, October 29, 2021


  • Virtual Technical Training for NASUCA Members on Contemporary Electricity System Issues
    Maximizing Existing Transmission Capacity-Dr. Yingchen (YC) Zhang (NREL)
    Meeting Recording & Slides,
    October 28, 2021


  • Planning Electricity Systems with Distributed Energy Resources Webinar Series
    Webinar 4-Planning for Energy Storage – Jeremy Twitchell (PNNL) and Andrew Mills (Berkeley Lab)
    Webinar & Slides,
    October 30, 2020


  • Planning Electricity Systems with Distributed Energy Resources Webinar Series
    Webinar 3-Demand Flexibility as a Utility System Resource-Natalie Mims Frick (Berkeley Lab) 
    Webinar & Slides, October 29, 2020


  • Planning Electricity Systems with Distributed Energy Resources Webinar Series
    Webinar 2-Planning for electric vehicles (EVs) and strategies for managing charging – Doug Black and Jason MacDonald (Berkeley Lab) and Michael Kintner-Meyer (PNNL)
    Webinar, Slides, and other resources, October 23, 2020


  • Planning Electricity Systems with Distributed Energy Resources Webinar Series
    Webinar 1-Impacts of distributed energy resources (DERs) on net loads and approaches for actively managing load shapes – Chandler Miller (Berkeley Lab)
    Webinar, Slides, and other resources, October 22, 2020


  • DOE/LBNL Distribution Technology Training
    Reliability Metrics and Reliability Value-Based Planning
    Webinar and SlidesNovember 13, 2018


  • DOE/LBNL Distribution Technology Training
    Benefit-Cost Frameworks for Utility-Facing Investments in Distribution
    Webinar and Slides, November 11, 2018


  • An Overview of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity:
    How are Electric Companies Protecting the Grid?
    Webinar, November 7, 2018


  • LBNL Distribution Technology Training Webinar:
    Distribution System Controls and Automation
    Webinar and Slides, October 31, 2018


  • LBNL Distribution Technology Training Webinar:
    Metrics and Valuation Frameworks for System Planning
    Webinar and Slides, October 10, 2018


  • Utility Distribution Planning 101
    WebinarTuesday, June 6, 2018


  • Distribution Systems 101
    WebinarWednesday, May 23, 2018


Meeting Presentations and Slides


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training-The National Community Solar Program
    Anthony Sandonato
    Slides, November 7, 2023


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training-Evaluating Demand Under Increased Transportation Electrification
    Sean Morash
    Slides, November 7, 2023


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training-Designing and Implementing Distributional Equity Analysis (DEA) for Energy Efficiency and DER Programs
    Tim Woolf
    Slides, July 18, 2023


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training- Considering Time-Sensitive and Peak Demand Value of Energy Efficiency when Shaping Program Incentives
    Natalie Mims Frick
    July 18, 2023


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training-Coordinated Planning with Consideration for Resilience and Equity
    Joseph Paladino
    Slides, November 15, 2022


  • DOE/LBNL Technical Training-Load Management, Demand response and Efficient Incentives
    Peter Cappers
    Slides, November 15, 2022


  • Impact of Rate Design on the Customer Economics of Behind the Meter Storage
    Naim Darghouth



  • Benefit-cost Frameworks for Utility-Facing Investments in Distribution
    Tim Woolf


  • Reliability Metrics and Reliability Value-Based Planning
    Joseph Eto



  • Walk-through of Long-Term Distribution System Plans: Part 1-Traditional Plans
    Lavelle Freeman


  • Emerging distribution planning analyses: Multiple scenario forecasts, hosting capacity analysis, locational net benefits analysis
    Sunder Venkataraman


  • Walk through of long-term distribution system plans: Part 2 Grid modernization plans and plans for high levels of distributed energy resources.
    Sunder Venkataraman
    Part 1
    Part 2


  • Examining System Impacts of High Variable Renewable Energy: Demand-Side Effects
    Cody Warner


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