The National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates

Resolution 2007- 06


WHEREAS, E911 emergency access has become a critically important service that is relied upon by millions of Americans;

WHEREAS, E911 service serves, on a daily basis, to protect the health, safety and welfare of people confronting life-threatening or other emergency situations;

WHEREAS, E911 has been made possible through public funding, including substantial funding directly from telephone service consumers;

WHEREAS, local exchange carriers currently have the capability, at little or no cost, to provide E911 access on most disconnected and suspended telephone lines;

WHEREAS, some local exchange carriers currently provide E911 access on disconnected and suspended telephone lines on a voluntary basis;

WHEREAS, some jurisdictions currently require the provision of E911-only service on telephone lines that have been disconnected or suspended, referred to as soft dial tone or warm line;

WHEREAS, the expanded availability of E911 service to premises with no active telephone service would expand the protection of public health, welfare and safety to persons who occupy or visit such premises;

WHEREAS, wireless telephones are currently required to, and do provide, emergency E911 access from wireless handsets even when there is no active service contract or remaining prepaid minutes associated with those handsets;

WHEREAS, the wireline local exchange industry continues to be subject to universal service and public service obligations that exceed those imposed on the wireless industry;

WHEREAS, there is a benefit to minimum national standards for the provision of a service as critical as E911 service;

WHEREAS, the availability of soft dial tone should not be used as a justification for easing disconnection of essential basic telephone services.

WHEREFORE, it is RESOLVED that NASUCA supports a national requirement for soft dial tone and urges the Federal Communications Commission to adopt such a requirement.  Until such a national requirement is adopted, it is further RESOLVED that NASUCA encourages state commissions and state legislatures to adopt soft dial tone requirements, in order to expand E911 access as broadly as possible, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the NASUCA Telecommunications Committee and Consumer Protection Committee, with the approval of the Executive Committee of NASUCA, are authorized to take all steps consistent with this Resolution in order to secure its implementation.


June 12, 2007

Denver, Colorado