Urging the Establishment of an Independent Board to Govern Electric Reliability Matters and the Enactment of Federal Legislation to Ensure FERC Jurisdiction Over the Actions of Such a Board in the Future

WHEREAS, the reliability of the Nation’s electric system is of paramount importance to the consumers represented by the members of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA);

WHEREAS, the reliability of the Nation’s electric system must not be allowed to be compromised by the current restructuring of the electric industry;

WHEREAS, the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) and its member organizations have played a vital role in promoting and maintaining the reliability of the Nation’s electric system;

WHEREAS, NERC has recognized the need to permit greater representation on its Board of Directors and Committees, including representation of consumers by members of NASUCA;

WHEREAS, NASUCA supports the efforts taken to date by NERC to expand representation within that organization, but recognizes that additional changes will be necessary in order to preserve reliability in an increasingly competitive environment;

WHEREAS, the future governance of NERC (or any successor national organization) must be conducted in a manner that is competitively neutral and does not favor any particular industry segment or industry participant;

WHEREAS, the future governance of NERC (or any successor national organization) must be conducted in such a way as to ensure that all consumers have access to reliable electric service at economical and affordable prices; and

WHEREAS, the requirements imposed by NERC (or any successor national organization) must be subject to review by an appropriate governmental body, such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, in order to ensure that all affected parties are accorded necessary due process and protection of their substantive interests.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that NASUCA supports efforts to develop a national reliability organization that will continue the vital functions now performed by NERC, and will do so in a manner that is competitively neutral and recognizes the paramount concerns of consumers in a reliable electric system;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NASUCA supports efforts to establish an independent Board of Directors that will govern NERC (or any successor national organization) in a competitively neutral manner that will benefit all consumers and that will not be dominated or controlled by any particular industry participant or segment;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that NASUCA supports federal legislation that would clarify FERC authority to review the reliability requirements imposed by NERC (or any successor national organization) and to ensure that such requirements are adopted and implemented in a manner that benefits all consumers; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NASUCA authorizes its Executive Committee to develop specific positions and to take appropriate actions consistent with the terms of this resolution. The Executive Committee shall advise the membership of any proposed action prior to taking action if possible. In any event the Executive Committee shall notify the membership of any action pursuant to this resolution.

Approved by NASUCA:

Submitted by:

Seattle, WA

NASUCA Electricity Committee

June 10, 1998

Larry Frimerman (OH), Chair
Thomas Brocato (TX)
Scott Cauchois (CA)
Barry Cohen (OH)
John P. Cook (IN)
Nancy Vaughn Coombs (SC)
Steve Corneli (MN)
Anne Curtin (NY)
George Dean (MA)
William Fields (MD)
Margaret Force (NC)
Brian Gallagher (DE)
Walker Hendrix (KS)
Jim Hurt (GA)
Bruce Johnson (CT)
Robert Kelter (IL)
Angela Kennedy (DC)
Eugene Koss (CT)
Ryan Kind (MO)
Thomas Nicholson (VA)
Charles Noble (NM)
Gerald Norlander (NY)
Blossom Peretz (NJ)
William Perkins (ME)
Irwin A. Popowsky (PA)
Fred Schmidt (NV)
Ben Stead (IA)
Kenneth Traum (NH)