COVID-19-Related Cost Treatment Orders and Inquiries by State_7-28-2020

How PBR can go wrong Elsevier Enhanced Reader

Parker-Mosley Utility Moratorium Law — S8113A-A10525 — June 17 2020, signed into law by Governor Cuomo as Chapters 108 and 126 of NY’s Laws of 2020. One of its most important innovations in addition to the moratorium is bring all 18+ million NYers served by Municipal/Public Authority water systems into the PSC’s regulatory ambit — despite their agreement 40yrs ago not to touch this stuff.

Ch 126 of 2020 — Amending Parker-Mosley with expiry date

PULP’s Initial Comments in the New York PSC COVID-19 special proceeding and rule making.

Comments from the Joint Water Coalition (NRDC, Environmental Advocates of NYS, etc.) to make some specific asks about how water should be treated during the pandemic, particularly municipal and other government owned water.

Public Service Commision Order Establishing COVID-19 proceeding — Case 20-M-0266

Press Release- NY Public Service Commission on Opening COVID-19 Proceeding

City of NY petition for emergency relief for low-income consumers needing cooling assistance this summer

Petition for emergency relief in our low-income affordability program